Question 2: If I do something with a positive attitude, I often find that the more I do it, the easier it becomes, which in turn leads me to enjoy it more, thereby cultivating enthusiasm.

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Me and Colette woulda been trouble together...😁What beYOUtiFULLY expressed insight...AIMin🙏💓🎯thankz 4 sharin once a'GAIN'🙌

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Shame has a positive social function as evidenced by the fact that we still hear the use of the derogatory term ‘shameless’ to describe someone who violates accepted social norms. I think we do hear it less and less, though, as norms continue to fall away, even the idea of ‘normal’ itself under attack for not being inclusive enough.

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Question 2 answer...Enthusiasm seems to be driven around one's personality type. Ergo, enthusiasm seems more innate at the individual level.

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"“We only do well the things we like doing.”" this topic has come up a lot today! I truly feel that doing what you feel like doing is your gut instinct guiding you.

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