In regard to question number one, I have a personal philosophy: “Always believe you can, never believe you will.”

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For Q3, trying to find comfort and build deeper connection with another pessimist like minded can also be possible if one has more empathy than the other.

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For Q1, analyze your reality and hope accordingly - be a Realistic Optimist. That's not to say that miracles don't happen, they do happen sometimes, but in general being hopeful is more beneficial.

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I think happiness is a fleeting moment. Maybe for others it is a lasting emotion but not I.

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or is that pleasure which is fleeting?

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I do not think so but I am thinking about that. I really think happiness not pleasure.

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I get it now. Pleasure is shorter lived usually and maybe more intense than happiness

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Passionately, I agree. Happiness and pleasure differ... but perhaps when you sense that 'fleeting moment,' you believe it's happiness, yet it's actually pleasure? Of course, I can't speak for you, I'm not wearing your shoes, but it's food for thought

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