Interesting quotes, for which many thanks. I’ve not read these. The only things by Hesse that I’ve read are Steppenwolf, and Siddartha.

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Quite philosophical and thought provoking quotes if you ask me, Kodanshi.

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Thank you very good questions and quotes are also passionating

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I agree with you, Clarisse. 😇

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Oh I endured alright! I tried my best, but I have my limits.

Good one! Thank you

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Same here, Elusive.

All in all, we can not afford to give up on love.

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Love is patient and most times can be pain.

I’m not typing this theoretically but it’s out of experience.

I’m in a relationship with a beautiful soul, she makes building a home worth it however, I won’t lie I have to sacrifice almost all the time.

Deny myself some pleasure because I want peace to reign.

It’s not easy but it’s a ride I would love it to keep going.

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Yes, when we love, we adapt, we accept a lot, as long as it is voluntary, everything goes well, as soon as we no longer want to, the dialogue must decide.

It’s nice, not to give up as soon as you need to put your own.

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Q 1 In my opinion, true love is unconditional; it’s not the one we usually talk about, it’s different. He is absolute, independent of all things, he is like truth she «is». If we talk about it, sing it, say it, seek it with all our being sometimes, it is that something in us may aspire to it. Who knows, we may have to go through stages of attachment, conditional love etc. to get there.

I do not have it personally, or not yet, not that it is important to me, I am well as I am, but I have a deep awareness of evil, and I have as my intuition, as my presentiment that it will make living beings (animals included) gravitating around me much happier.

Q 2 Music is, after living beings, the most precious good on earth, I couldn’t do without. It is happiness at its peak. «The emotional impact it produces could be a consequence of cultural conditioning and personal associations», I suppose that depends on people, I don’t think this is my case, but how to know precisely.

Q 3The true love cannot hurt. All the states we pass through are a rough, first form of this absolute love.

I guess vulnerability has an advantage, because it’s a great sensitivity, it gives more easily, I think.

I like much quote 4

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Wendela, your thought process is beautiful and I can guess you are a brilliant person.

The answer to Q1, you were referring true love to a person, who could that be?

I personally agree with you on your answer to Q3, Vulnerability has an advantage, because it is a great sensitivity.

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I translate French into English, and sometimes it changes the text, which shows that AI does not exist, it is not an intelligence, but a simple translator, a program.

Not a specific person, in my opinion, this love, is only to be given, and if we managed to have it, all or almost, everyone would benefit.

This love cannot be reserved to one person, either it is for everyone (all living up to the plants) or we don’t have it.

I appreciate this substack, the questions are always relevant, the exchanges enriching.

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Regarding to the 3rd question:

We are all vulnerable and we protect ourselves by building walls.

But true love can break down those walls.

so vulnerability can be more or less present but it ts not necessary to be vulnerable to create a deepest connection

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Vulnerability is required to be authentic, real and transparent to your partner. However, it’s not the only metrics used to build a connection.

Rightly said, Clarisse.

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Everything cannot be 100%

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How I took a deep breath and exhaled after reading your comment. It’s true.

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CBDCs and Bitcoin with Blockchain alternatives / Not CBDC


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